Consuelo Saroyan

Pranayama and Meditation

Welcome to Consuelo Saroyan Pranayama and Meditation session, a scientifically crafted exploration of breath work and mindfulness. Prepare to engage in a structured practice that seamlessly integrates physiological principles with mental well-being.

In the initial phase of this session, participants will delve into Pranayama, a controlled breathing technique. Through intentional manipulation of breath, we engage the autonomic nervous system, specifically influencing the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches. This measured approach triggers a physiological shift, promoting a state of calm and coherence in the nervous system.

As we transition into meditation, the preceding Pranayama sets the stage for enhanced cognitive and emotional receptivity.

Pranayama and Meditation session not only aligns with ancient wisdom but is also rooted in the empirical understanding of the mind-body connection, offering a pathway to heightened awareness and holistic well-being.